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On December 31, 2025, after 13 years at Sunset Hills Baptist Church, Pastor Don retired. SHBC is currently working together as we transition and search for a new pastor. 


Joining the Sunset Hills Baptist Church Family

Typically at the close of a service, an invitation is given for people who wish to accept Christ as their personal Savior, commit their lives to Christ or join the church. Simply make your way to the front of the church and the pastor will greet and guide you.

By profession of faith:  If you've accepted Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, or you are ready to do so, and you're prepared to follow Him in Believer's Baptism, you may present yourself for church membership.

By letter of transfer:  As a Baptist whose church membership is in another Baptist church and you sense God's leadership to serve Him as a part of Sunset Hills Baptist Church, you may present yourself for transfer of membership.

By statement:  If you're a believer who was baptized and a member of another church, you may present yourself for membership on the basis of agreement with our statement of faith.

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